
Flickering Flame- Chapter 16

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"Oi! It looks like we have a stowaway!"

Jiro awoke to faces peering down on him. It seemed that after a week of driving, the drivers figured out that they had an extra passenger and decided to do something about it. Both held clubs, raised in threatening stances.

"Listen kid, we got you. What're you doing in the back of our truck?"

Jiro raised his hands to show that he meant no harm. "I just need to get to Republic city, I wasn't going to rob you or steal anything."

"That's BS, we are not going to Republic city. Why ar-"

"Then I guess I'm done riding then." Jiro leapt past the two men and sprinted away. He was in a small village, probably a stop for gas for the sato mobile he rode.

"You're not getting away that easily!" The men followed in pursuit. Jiro sprinted down alleyways and streets, trying to lose the men, but their determination to catch him was strong. Quickly Jiro turned into a shop, disguising himself as a shopper to lose them. They passed the store and Jiro breathed a sigh of relief.

He inspected the store; from the looks of it, it was a furniture store. The shopkeeper was a taller man with a long thin mustache. He looked oddly familiar, but Jiro could not place where. A gravelly voice came from the man, and it sent a chill down Jiro's spine.

"I thought I killed you." The voice spoke. Jiro recognized the voice immediately and the man came into context; it was none other than the Lieutenant standing before him. Jiro was too surprised to speak. "You know, I left you in the sewers with a hole burned into your skin, and yet you somehow found a way to survive." The Lieutenant produced his signature rods from behind a counter and swung them in his hands. "The equalists are done and Amon turned out to be a bender. Why? Why would you benders do this??" He approached Jiro menacingly, there was no one else in the store.

This was news to Jiro. Amon was a bender? How could that be?? Reading Jiro's confusion, the Lieutenant continued. "Don't cut me that crap. I trusted Amon more than anyone, and yet he was blood bender! A BLOOD BENDER! What are we non benders to you, just little puppets for your own big bender games?? Why can't non benders get the equality we deserve on our own terms??"

"But you don't really want equality do you? You hate benders for something that they did to you in your past. You want revenge, not equality."

"Oh, and since you're a bender you can play doctor too now, huh?" Getting close enough to Jiro, he electrified his rods and swung them at him. But the rods collided with some of his furniture as Jiro had hopped back to dodge. Jiro thought desperately of an escape plan.  

"I was the same way: I hated myself for what I had done with my bending. But joining the equalists and getting rid of bending would not take away my anger. I was lost, just like you are now."

"SHUT UP! You have no right to have empathy for me, you are a bender!" With his rage building, he swung them again at Jiro. He missed and smashed more of his merchandise.

Jiro knew that the Lieutenant would not listen. But in lieu of their previous relationship, he gave him one more chance. He let down his guard. "Let go of the past and move on with your life, being a bender does not make you evil, there are other things that do that." He pleaded.

"I beg to differ." The Lieutenant ran at Jiro and hit him with the rods. He flew back, smashing into the glass in the front of the store and rolling out into the street. The Lieutenant walked to where his prey had fallen. Jiro had cuts all over his body from the glass and he struggled to get up.

"You are being just as destructive as you claim benders to be." Jiro groaned.

"And I say, fight fire with fire." Electricity fizzled on the rods as the Lieutenant came closer.

"You can't fight fire with fire if the other side does not fight."

The Lieutenant kicked Jiro on the ground. "You must fight me!"

"I will not." Jiro defiantly looked into the Lieutenant's face. Jiro watched as the rods came closer to his face. Electricity fizzled again.

"Either you fight me like the bender you are, or you die where you stand."

Jiro took a deep breath as one of the rods was inches from his face. If he died, Juno and Kaira would never know that he saw his mistake, and that he wanted forgiveness. More selfishly, he would never see them again.

There was no way Jiro could get out of this without bending, but the last time he tried he barely made a flame. That will be a chance that I have to take. He thought as he curled his hand into a fist. He brought it back and threw a punch at the Lieutenant. Jiro saw his face look in horror at his fist. Jiro looked to see green flames enveloping his hand. The fist did not reach the Lieutenant's face as he had hoped, but the flames shot forward.

The Lieutenant flew backwards, dodging the attack. Jiro went on the offensive, throwing fire blast after fire blast at the Lieutenant. But the fight wasn't over so easy; the Lieutenant managed to dodge most of his shots. The Lieutenant got in close, his rods electrified, about to strike Jiro. Firebending is not enough. Jiro determined. With quick calculated movements, Jiro shot his fingers into specific spots on the Lieutenant's arm to block chi. The arm dropped uselessly to his side. Jiro kicked the Lieutenant in the stomach, following with a punch. His fist connected with the Lieutenant's face, engulfing it in the brilliant green fire of Jiro's newly rekindled inner fire.

Hungry for fuel, the anger ate away at the Lieutenant as he screamed. Watching the flames yet again confirmed Zuko's speech. Bending IS life. Those flames were born of his own vitality, his own drive to live long enough to see the brilliant green eyes of his sister… and so that Kaira may see his. Finally he felt a connection to the element that he bent; he could feel the fire as if it were a part of him. Screams brought Jiro's attention back to the Lieutenant. He had sunk to the floor, drawing a crowd of terrified onlookers. Jiro wondered what the reactions of the people were who had found the thug whose face Jiro burned off earlier in Republic city. Were they affrighted, or were they happy that another thug was off the streets? Jiro caught the Lieutenant's eyes. Unlike the thug, Jiro knew the man that he killed. But Jiro knew that it was the only way that he could survive. If the Lieutenant survived, he would hunt Jiro relentlessly, possibly endangering his family. In order to preserve his life, he had to end another. Despite the hate still oozing from the defeated man, Jiro couldn't help but feel sorry for him. "I wish it could have worked out any other way. I'm sorry Lieutenant." He told the man.

"You have proved nothing, benders are evil." The man spoke as he collapsed onto the ground. He was done.

The commotion however attracted too much attention. "OVER THERE! I SEE HIM!" Jiro turned to see the drivers with their clubs coming towards him. Jiro sprinted away, leaving the town behind and heading for Republic city.

After a few more days of walking, Jiro found himself on the outskirts of the city. Having been reclaimed by the United Forces, Jiro could see repairs being done on the damage to the city. It was very relieving to know that the equalists were no more. It was strange to think that Amon was a bender, a blood bender no less, leading the charge against his very kind. But he did not think much about that, as he did not want to be overcome with guilt. If I get their forgiveness, I won't ever have to worry about guilt again.

His body groaned as he walked into the city. He hadn't eaten much, and his cuts and bruises from his fight with the Lieutenant had not been checked. Looking at the now dirty cuts, he knew that if he didn't get them checked out soon they would become infected. He did not want to think of what would happen to them then.

Because of his cuts, Jiro headed to the hospital first thing. He walked into the emergency waiting room to see that a new receptionist had taken Kaira's job. After inspecting his cuts, they quickly hurried him to the same room that Juno had been in when she was hurt. They laid Jiro on the bed. All he could think about was Kaira, and where she could be.

If Kaira isn't at the reception desk, that means she must be a healer now. He gulped as he slowly realized what that could mean. She might be assigned to his room as a healer.

To his relief, another healer entered the room and cared for his cuts and bruises. Maybe she isn't at the hospital anymore... Juno told me she didn't want to heal anymore. Jiro's mind drifted to other things that could have happened. She could not have died, I know that for sure. Doubt attacked his resolve, but Jiro held strong. He knew that neither Juno nor Kaira would have died. It just didn't seem possible... not when Jiro needed their forgiveness.

The healer found Jiro's large black mark in the center of his chest and began to get to work clearing off the wound. His mind dropped his current thoughts and focused on the pain as she cleared the charred skin.

"What happened to you, boy?" She asked, very alarmed at the wound.

"Equalists." He muttered through the pain.

"Oh goodness. I thought we had finished treating all those victims." The healer did not ask further about what happened as she would have normally done. She knew that if the equalists were involved, she did not want to know the details.

Soon the healer finished up with Jiro and he inspected her work. Instead of a black mark in his chest, a large scar was present in the center of his chest. It would forever stay as a reminder to the power of anger. Jiro's thoughts drifted back to Kaira once the pain dispersed. He decided that he would check the rest of the hospital to see if Kaira was there. Maybe it would give some hint as to whether they would be accepting of his return. He left his room and began to check the rooms in the emergency ward.

After checking every room, he did not see Kaira. He decided to call it a day and find some place to rest. He turned to leave the hospital.

Doors behind him that lead further into the hospital swung open and Jiro heard footsteps emerge.

"Give this boy a chance Kaira, Juno went out of her way to make it a double date. You know how that boyfriend of hers is about showing affection in front of people. Poor kid, he's so shy. So if he is going to go through all that trouble to go on a double date with you and Jang, you better take it."

The voice wasn't Kaira's but it sounded similar. Kaya! Jiro remembered that it was her mother's voice that spoke.

"I know mother..." Jiro immediately recognized Kaira's voice and sigh. The two months that he had not heard that voice had done nothing to his memory. Jiro recognized another name, Jang's, but that was someone that he did not want to remember.

Jiro cautiously turned to see the mother and daughter duo. Kaira was certainly there, looking serious in a nice water tribe inspired clothes. Jiro wanted to tell her that she looked stunning, but he couldn't come to face her in a public place as the hospital. Both passed by without noticing Jiro as they headed to exit the hospital.

Wanting to see more of Kaira, Jiro followed them out of the hospital. A car was waiting for Kaira, Jiro caught a glimpse of what he thought was Juno in the car. Not too many girls have scars on their faces like that. Jiro reasoned. In order to keep up with them, Jiro jumped onto the back of the car as it began to drive away.

Thankfully, the streets were empty as they drove. The conversation in the car had nothing to do with him, and Jiro was happy to hear both girls laugh again. Soon they got to their destination: the Republic city park.

Jiro watched from a distance as the date went on from the safety of a bush. It was boring, as he was out of earshot of the couples, and frustrating because they had seemed to have moved on from Jiro. He had hoped that they were constantly thinking about him. Soon Juno led Kaira away from the men, bringing her close to Jiro's bush.

"Are you ok Kaira? You seem out of it."

Kaira sighed. "You know the answer why." She spoke.

"Oh, forget about Jiro." She replied. Obviously this had been a problem before.

"No, I just know that he's not dead."

"And how do you know that?"

"The moon spirit..." Kaira began.

"Kaira, you know that was just a dream."

"But it felt so real." She mentioned. "I just know that he will come back to me."

Juno snorted. "Kaira, he ditched us for the equalists. He didn't stop them from taking my bending away, and he broke your heart and left you tied up in the healer's area of the pro bending arena. If I saw him now, boy would I have so much to say."

Kaira was not convinced. "The Avatar gave you your bending back, just let it go. He was so lost when I last saw him; I won't blame him for anything that he did."

"Well I do. We were family for how many years. How lost do you have to be to go back on that?"

Kaira sighed. "I don't know..."

Juno calmed herself down. "Come on; let's go back to the boys. They are probably wondering what's up."

They began to walk away. From a distance, Jiro made out the image of Jang wrapping his arms around his girl. Jiro was disgusted and disheartened. Did Juno really mean what she said? Jiro left the park feeling dejected. Was Juno really still angry at him? He walked aimlessly through the city, lost in his thoughts.

He soon found himself outside of Kaira's house. He had not meant to go there, but subconsciously when he left the park, he went for the house. Juno and Kaira were definitely not home yet, and he waited across the street from the house. A lot of people were on the sidewalks; they were people that were coming home from work. Jiro wished for a normal life for once. He never asked for any of this.

A car pulled up to the house and Jiro spied Kaira and Juno exit the car and enter the house. On impulse, Jiro walked up to the front door as the car pulled away. He raised his hand to knock on the door, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"Kaira, he ditched us for the equalists. He didn't stop them from taking my bending away, and he broke your heart and left you tied up in the healers area of the pro bending arena. If I saw him now, boy would I have so much to say."

Juno's voice bounced around in his head as doubt rushed in. He could see Juno reject him and send him out onto the street. What will I do then? He thought letting the doubt take hold.

A little flame in his mind however fought the doubt. If I don't do this, how will I ever know? I won't live a life of regret. Jiro took hold of that thought.

I won't live a life or regret. He echoed in his mind.

Juno's voice came back into his head. "Well I do. We were family for how many years. How lost do you have to be to go back on that?"

Again the doubt started to take hold. I won't live a life of regret. Jiro wrestled free of the doubt. Momentarily free of doubt, he knocked on the door.

"Coming!" He heard come from inside the house. Jiro's heart began to pound as someone came to the door. He could hear the locks be undone, and the door opened.

And he found himself face to face with his sister.

Jiro weakly conjured a smile at his sister as he fought for words to speak. "Hi." He managed to get out.

Juno stared at him, her face frozen in shock at what she saw. "Jiro..." She muttered.

Both stared at each other as they both fought for words. "Juno, I came back. I… I just… I just want to say..." His mind spun out of control as tears began to well up in his eyes. "I'm sorry Juno. I'm so, so sorry for everything that I have done." The words began to flow easier as his heart began to take control from his mind. "Everything I did was because I thought I was protecting you. You were the only family I had left, and I just couldn't lose you. When I burned you, it tore me apart. I was blinded by the anger I had towards myself for doing such a horrific deed, and I lost what I held dear." Tears began to flow steadily. "I truly thought that I hated bending, and that everything would be fine without bending." His knees felt weak, and he dropped to his knees. "But I realized that the only thing I hated was myself. It was a chain reaction and I was digging myself deeper and deeper." He began to fight to speak as the tears became uncontrollable. He bowed his head to hide his face, overcome with shame. "Juno, please forgive me. I cannot stop hating myself unless you do."

Juno was silent. Doubt began to flood into Jiro's mind as he waited. A minute past and Jiro looked at his sister. Tears were also flowing from her eyes. She stepped out from the door and they embraced.

"I always thought that if I ever saw you again that I would be angry at you. But seeing you now, I realized that I wasn't really angry. I missed you so much." Both held the hug for some time before releasing.

Juno let him inside. The inside of the house had not changed much since he had last been there. "I think there's someone else you need to see." Juno smiled and led him to the porch holding his hand.

Looking out onto the city as Jiro had done on the night he left, Kaira stood on the porch. "She has done that every night since you left Jiro." Juno explained.

Jiro stepped onto the porch and took up a spot right next to Kaira.

For a second there was silence and Kaira realized who was next to him. Out of nowhere she slapped him on the face, immediately putting her hands on his face and bringing it to hers.

"Don't you ever leave me again. You got that?" She whispered into his ear. "I don't know what I would do if you left again."

"I learned my mistake." He answered. "I promise to be with you forever."

In the arms of the woman he loved, and having found forgiveness in his sister, Jiro finally felt at peace. His inner fire flared and danced. Having faced its trial and succeeded, it would never falter or flicker ever again.
Well it's done. Jiro's story is over.

I debated so much if I should give him a happy ending or not. I debated everything from dialogue and everything in the previous chapter as well. I spent so many late nights.

I'll be totally honest, I am scared that all those late nights made my writing suffer. In fact, I'm more than scared, I'm terrified. What do you guys think? I want to hear all your comments and thoughts.

I will be going back to touch up on things, explain things even more, fix up the dialogue and typoes.

Who knows, maybe this will inspire me to write more about avatar fan fiction... or maybe even more about Jiro.

If you do not know, this is the story of :iconiesnoth: 's OC Jiro. Find Jiro's conception page here! [link]

Previous Chapter: [link]
Next Chapter: Well... it's over!
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rift09's avatar

what happened to jiro during book 2,3, and 4?